September 20, 2024


How have you all been??

I love Baltazar pages. There’s something about drawing him that I absolutely love – especially when he’s being a little scary, hehe.

But hey, Marge is a solid one. Baltazar is easily 10 of her!

Something funny you’ll maybe notice about this page. The Golden Retriever who’s siding with Baltazar on the 2nd panel is called Bo, and he’s actually on the cover of the Cowdogs book

You can also notice him at the Red Sky Saloon  and throughout Billy and Steban’s brawl!
Even at the background of the aftermath!  Apparently time has not been kind to Bo. I wonder what happened to that fellah, haha!

You can also spot Shane, AeroDog’s character on the 4th panel <3

I would absolutely LOOOOOVE to hear your thoughts on this page! Your comments and support mean more than words could ever express to me!

Amazing 3D background art by @kryatlicious
Epic character flat coloring by @wellrosa

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